0.6.1 Bug Fixes and other Little Things


Just a few bug fixes and small content changes.

0.6.1 Changes:
- Fixed a bug where checkpoints could be set on top of spikes in certain situations (thank you to DMPuppet for reporting this.)
- When migrating major savedata versions the overworld checkpoint is set back the the beginning, in case that checkpoint isn't valid anymore. (thank you to ArsonsAra for reporting this.)
- Added another dialogue to the sign at the Early Access dead-end during certain situations. (Again, thanks to ArsonsAra.)
- Fixed a bug where dying during certain cutscenes would cause a crash. (Thanks to ME, I found this one all by myself 😎)
- Moved snow particles to front in Overworld (again, ME)

Thanks again to people for reporting stuff, you're much appreciated!

Hopefully in making these changes I didn't break something else 🤪


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