Garbanzo Quest v1.0 is coming out September 4th!

After 3+ YEARS of hard work it's finally happening! Garbanzo Quest v1.0 will be releasing on September 4th and exiting Early Access! The game has come a long way and I'm really excited to release it to the public. I'm truly confident that I've done everything I can to make a really cool and new experience.

The game as it is now is pretty much done, I could probably release it today and it wouldn't be too catastrophic. But I will be taking the extra time between now and September 4th to make extra sure the game is ready and that it gets the polish it deserves.

Thank you to everyone who has played the game in Early Access all these years. Your feedback has been so incredibly helpful in making this game the best game it can be.

Anyways, see ya September 4th!

- Zachary

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